The Bus

Our Bus

Welcome to Our Bus

A place to relax;

A place to eat;

A place to read;

A place to play.

Our Bus Story

The Bus

So, back in 2021 Royston and Vikki had the idea of buying a bus to convert to live in.  Research was done, plans were drawn, enquiries were made and, after some searching, a bus was purchased and an arrival date chosen.

The date came, the campsite was cleared, the bus arrived and we had 5 hours to get the bus in place before arrivals.  After 5 and a half hours, the bus was blocking the drive and some very choice words were being used! 

 "Just dump it there and we'll think about it". 

 We had to get the bus out the way of the waiting motorhomes.

The Bus

For 2 weeks we stared at the bus - what on earth were we going to do with a bus now?  

Indoor Seating!

Somewhere for folks to sit, to shelter from the weather (it does rain in Scotland sometimes), to enjoy a coffee and a bite to eat.


And so the cleaning began!  Luckily it already had all the seats out - one less job to do.  Pressure washer in hand, Royston cracked on, first inside, then outside.

Over the past years the bus has morphed from basic to quirky and cosy, and has become an integral part of the Ferry View Experience!

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So what's on the bus?

  • Books for Adults...

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  • and Little Ones

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  • Our Guest Book

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  • Somewhere to sit

    (and a fire)

  • A Small Selection of Crafts

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  • Board Games for Everyone

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  • and of course The Driver's Seat

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So whether you're staying with us or just popping in for a visit, come and enjoy "Our Bus".

A place to relax;

A place to eat;

A place to read;

A place to play.

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